Condensed Matter Seminar

September 17 2020



William Witczak-Krempa

University of Montreal


Fractionalized conductivity at topological phase transitions


The experimental discovery of the fractionalized Hall conductivity revealed new types of quantum particles beyond bosons and fermions. These anyons are usually studied deep inside a topological phase. But can such fractionalization be detected at the phase transition point to a conventional phase? To answer this question, we study a quantum phase transition between a topological state called a Z2 spin liquid and a conventional superfluid on the Kagome lattice using large-scale quantum Monte Carlo simulations. Our results show that the conductivity at the quantum critical point becomes a simple fraction of its value at the conventional insulator-to-superfluid transition. We explain our findings using conformal field theory. Our work opens the door for the experimental detection of anyons in a broader regime, and has ramifications for the study of quantum materials and ultra-cold atomic gases.
